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When Black talks, he’s self-assured and immediately easy-going, which may go some way to explaining why people are drawn to him. “I do think at a certain point, I’m willing to make a call, and I think that is something that people look for today,” he says. “Like, this is good. This is bad. I like this for this reason. I don’t like this for this reason.” (What’s “good” on Black’s list at the Fuck fentanyl dealers shirt Apart from…,I will love this moment? A brand out of Ohio called Cowgirl—he likes the name—and Dries Van Noten loafers.)

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Sure, there is a freeness about Black and clothes that makes him easy to talk to. He doesn’t necessarily care about how things are made, the Fuck fentanyl dealers shirt Apart from…,I will love this story of the fabric or where it hails from, but the broader vibe the garb gives off. He notes that he likes “Clapton in his prime when he was wearing trench coats and penny loafers,” “Harrison Ford in the polo shirt and short shorts,” and a “J.Crew catalog from 1994 mixed with a Spacemen 3 T-shirt from 1994.” Most recently, he bought what he thinks was Sofia Coppola’s CD wallet off of eBay while searching for her defunct line, Milkfed. It was filled with Miles Davis and Air, as well as an invitation to her fashion show. “She embodies something that was very aspirational for a lot of people. Me included,” says Black about Coppola. “She’s a vibe chick.” And to some degree, maybe for the world of bros, so is Black.

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